Allow Me To Introduce a Simple Man- Me.

Hi! My name is Mike and I am a simple man or at least I think I am. I imagine you’ll ask, “What’s that mean?”

When I told my wife about the blog she asked why I thought I was a simple man. I told her I fit the Google definition, easily understood or done; presenting no difficulty. She disagreed, saying I was more complex than I thought. That led me to thinking more about the word simple. I found comfort in most of the Merriam Webster definitions; ranging from free from guile, vanity or ostentation; humble or modest; not limited or restricted; readily understood. But then cocked my eye at other definitions- lacking knowledge or expertise, not socially or culturally sophisticated. Worse might be Solomon’s references in the book of Proverbs- “I saw among the simple, I noticed among the young men, a youth who had no sense”. Proverbs 7:7 NIV “The simple believe anything, but the prudent give thought to their steps”. Proverbs 14:15 NIV “The simple inherit folly, but the prudent are crowned with knowledge.” Proverbs 14:18 NIV.

I was confused. The more I thought about it, the more I knew I liked the idea of being simple but life experiences and time make us less simple all the time. We become more limited, more complex and of course more sophisticated.

I still wanted to make my case for being a simple guy. I know when I teach ideas in my field, I use a lot of analogies, so I starting to think about simple things and simple syrup came to mind. I learned how to make simple syrup in my bartending career. 

Simple Syrup

You mix equal parts granulated sugar and boiling water by slowly pouring the water into the sugar in a glass container. As you pour the water and stir, the sugar dissolves until you have a slightly cloudy solution. At this point, you are just below the saturation point. As the syrup cools, it becomes clear and transparent. Stored in proper conditions, simple syrup will remain clear and can be used for months to sweeten anything in cooking or drinks without grit. Left unprotected (uncovered, in direct sunlight) the syrup will start to yellow and eventually get an off taste to it. (For my friend Pastor Jeff- that part was free.)

So, I like to think I am a simple man, like simple syrup. A couple basic ingredients, easy instructions, clear, transparent, easy to use and sweet. You get the idea. However, as I age I know I change and need to be renewed or refreshed by returning to the simple ingredients and process. I believe this is true in life, too. People start out pure and can drift away from their purity, unless they go back to the basics from time to time, they can lose their character and become distasteful.

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy education and growth. I love new experiences, especially when shared with my loved ones. That may make me less simple, but we don’t have to forget our simple roots, our beliefs or morals.

As time passes and hopefully you visit this site, I will share more about where I come from and what I value in life. So whether or not you think I am simple or a simpleton, and I have been both in my life, I strive to be a simple man and leave you with this -Love all, honor God.


Simple Man